Boozhoo WIFN Youth!
Can't decide on a
career path?
Need help getting a job?
We offer the following services:
- Access to free training and skills development
- Resume/cover letter help
- Certifications such as First Aid/CPR training, WHMIS courses, Smart Serve
- Academic Upgrading
- Job search help
- Work experience
- Driver’s ed training
- Interview prep
- Apprenticeships and set goals to help keep you on track
Youth Work Experience Programs:
Gain Employment Experience While Getting Paid!
Canada Summer Jobs – The deadline to apply is May 1. Youth can apply for this program whether or not they attend secondary or post-secondary school. This program is also open to non-band members.
Summer Work Experience Program – For secondary and post-secondary students who were registered as full-time students during the preceding academic year and who will return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year.
Youth Work Experience Program – Mentored work placements for those who are unemployed, underemployed, or not in school. Training experience may be covered to gain the skills necessary for the position. We also cover costs of travel to the job site, criminal record checks, required uniforms, and personal safety gear (PPE) up to $200. The placement will not exceed 11 months.
Walpole Island Summer Company – For youth interested in entrepreneurship. Youth must submit a business plan for review. Four youth will be selected to run their own business in July and August and are provided with $1500 start-up, and $200 a week to support the business. Youth must be willing to attend Entrepreneurship classes.
Want to get more involved in the Walpole community? Join our Walpole Youth Council! Those on the council will receive community service hours and training incentives.
At Giyakiishchigewin, we also host career promotion and awareness activities for youth to discover various career paths.
Career awareness activities include:
- Painting Nights
- Moccasin Making
- Scavenger Hunt
- Empowerment
- Presentations
- Monthly Youth Skills Challenges
- Entrepreneurship classes
- And lots more!