Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a member, between the ages of 15-65, of the Walpole lsland First Nation and be unemployed or underemployed
- Residency off Bkejwanong Territory will not disqualify Walpole lsland First Nation members from accessing the services of these programs
- All members must have a Social lnsurance Number
- Other Indigenous clients, who are non-WIFN members, will be serviced as non-funded clientele
- Youth lnitiative participants must be between the ages of fifteen (15) years and thirty (30) years at the time of intake or selection
- There may be additional eligibility requirements for Employment lnsurance (El) participants
- There may be additional eligibility requirements for those seeking self-employment assistance, occupational skills training, and/or targeted wage subsidies
ineligible Participants
- Band members being funded I0O%by any other organization
- Elected WIFN Chief and Council members
- Band members that are not in good standing with the Employment and Training Program (people who have not successfully completed their approved requests)
- Those who have falsified information on their application