The Walpole Island First Nation Employment and Training Center is an ISETP holder with Service Canada. The program exists to provide the people of Bkejwanong Territory opportunities for skill development, training, career exploration and advancement opportunities.

Our services are for:

  • Walpole Island band members between ages 15-65 who are currently unemployed or underemployed
  • Band members who are not funded 1OO% by any other organization
  • Band members must be in good standing with the Employment and Training Program

Employers must:

  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number
  • Have Workers Compensation and/or Employee Liability lnsurance
  • Provide a detailed job description and a work plan schedule
  • Cover the Mandatory Employer Related Costs (MERC)

To access these you must first come into the WIFN Employment & Training office to register. Once registered you will be able to access these sites anywhere, anytime.

Reimbursements can be provided as long as prior approval by the program has been given. 

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